Medfac UK Ltd – Code of Conduct for Suppliers on Labour Standards 

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 Medfac UK Ltd – Code of Conduct for Suppliers on Labour Standards 

Medfac UK Ltd trading as Halo Medical and Kinetec UK imports and supplies a range of medical devices into the UK healthcare market. 

The Board of Directors are fully informed of the need for a Labour Standards Policy and obliges our suppliers to follow, agree and adhere to these standards. 

Application of Labour Standards, Ethical Standards & Application of the ETI Base Code & Laws 

To help identify a defined set of minimum labour standards, the Company has particulay referred to the following resources: the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, which in turn is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) 

Suppliers shall comply with all laws applicable to its business locally and nationally. The supplier should adhere to the principles of the United Nations’ Global Impact, UN Declaration of Human Rights as well as the 1998 International Labour Organisation’s “Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” in accordance with National law and practice. 

Suppliers are expected to have noted the requirements of the Code and to have established similar arrangements to provide evidence that they are working towards the requirements. 

Provisions of Law – where this Code and provisions of law address the same subject, the provision which affords the greater protection shall be applied. 

Complying with the Code – companies applying this Code are expected to comply with national, local and other applicable laws. 

Workers – are defined as those employed on a temporary or permanent basis, as well as workers that are employed either directly or indirectly 

 Reasons for A Minimum Labour Standards Approach 

Medfac UK Ltd has identified the following reasons to establish a comprehensive system of Minimum Labour Standards to guide its business operations. 

Minimum Labour Standards – Supplier Code of Conduct 

1) Child Labour – The supplier does not engage in or support the use of child labour. 

2) Forced or Compulsory Labour – The supplier shall not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour or bonded or involuntary prison labour. Employees are free to leave upon reasonable notice. 

3) Health & Safety – The supplier shall provide a safe and healthy workplace environment and shall take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injury to employee’s health by minimising the risk to its employees. Employees will have access to clean toilet facilities and drinking water plus a canteen area to consume food and drink. 

4) Freedom of Association – The supplier’s employees have the right to form and join trade unions. 

5) Freedom of Movement – The supplier’s employees shall have the right to freedom of movement. 

6) Worker’s rights – The supplier shall not use any threat of violence, harassment or intimidation with their workers. 

7) Training – Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training, and new employees will receive such training. 

8) Employees will receive regular training aligned with their respective occupation of employment (as and when necessary). All training will be documented, and reference made on staff personnel files. 

9) Environmental – The supplier is committed to protecting the environment both through their own actions and also by working with our suppliers. They will continue to focus on delivering high standards of service and quality of goods to us. They will comply with all regulatory and legislative requirements to protect the environment. 

10) Discrimination – The supplier will not engage or support any form of discrimination in its employment of staff, salary, training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race or national or social origin, caste, religion, gender, sexual preference, political affiliations, age or other circumstance that could be classed as discrimination. 

11) Disciplinary Practices – The supplier will treat all employees with dignity and respect. The supplier shall not or tolerate the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical bullying or verbal abuse of personnel. No cruel or inhumane treatment is allowed. 

12) Working Hours – The supplier shall comply with relevant laws and labour standards on working hours and holiday entitlement. 

13) Forced or compulsory labour – no employees will be forced to undertake overtime or extended hours of work. 

14) Equal pay – All employees will be treated fairly and paid according to their role. Pay will not be affected by race, sex or religion. 

15) Remuneration – The supplier shall comply with national laws and regulations relating to wages and benefits. All work associated activities are carried out on the basis of a recognised employment relationship established according to national law and practice. 

16) Recruitment Fees – We prohibit the use of worker-paid recruitment fees in the supply chain. 

17) Documentation – We prohibit the confiscation of workers original identification documents 

18) Justice – We provide access to remedy, compensation and justice for victims of modern slavery 

Non-Conformance to Labour Standards Code of Conduct 

Medfac UK Ltd recognises that our suppliers may face challenges in today’s globalised marketplace. We aim to work with our suppliers openly and honestly. Where concerns about human rights, labour, environment or ethical issues are identified, we will work with them to make improvements to the issues arising. 


Medfac UK Ltd conducts its business with high standards of integrity and honesty and expects the same standards from all suppliers. All suppliers should report any concerns or suspicions about any wrongdoing or malpractice and be assured that the information received will be treated seriously, and where possible, confidentially. All Suppliers should have a robust whistle blowing policy in place. 

Commitment to Continual Improvement 

Medfac UK Ltd expects all suppliers to be committed to ensuring continual improvement in all areas of its business. The approach to continuous improvement will be underpinned by providing a high-quality service, value for money and maintaining and monitoring performance, whilst administering continual improvements throughout the company. 

Other Commitments 

The Supplier recognises the importance of corporate responsibility towards sustainable objectives and of maintaining high standards of social, ethical and environmental conduct 

Building in capacity for carbon reduction, enforcing recycling processes (as far as possible) and managing the amount of waste that the company produces 

We, The Supplier, commit to this Code of Conduct as supplied to us by Kinetec Medical Products UK Ltd and agree to review this code every 12-months.